Peintre, Sculpteur français, né en 1964

Biographie LIOT Eric

His incredible creations combine everyday objects, pop icons and nods to major artistic trends, from narrative figuration to comic strips, from classic painters to street art to transport us into an aesthetic and humorous universe.

Eric Liot is a supporter of spontaneity, of creation freed from any restraint imposed by training, even artistic training. It develops the singular paradox of serving a freedom placed under control.

It spawns on the border of chance and necessity, between what floats and what settles. His works are characterized by the clash of colors aggregated in a variegated style which brings together manga and religion in a pictorial complicity.

There is a great love of wood in the work of Éric Liot. Not an autobiographical puzzle, but rather a summary of everything he can collect during his travels to the ends of the world: sensations, colors, logos, plastic toys, magazines, comic book characters, spicy, tender wood smells , rough… From this global patchwork brought back to the heart of his workshop, an artisanal melting pot is created, an apprenticeship in the pleasure of cutting, assembling, polishing and tactile.

Éric Liot sees himself above all as a catalyst for contemporary images. The pop reference is never far away. It’s all about construction at Liot, the juxtaposition of different woods, the orchestration of screws, bolts and patinas. A ballet that cannot do without the third dimension as each of its paintings/reliefs gives rise to an astonishing depth of field and perspective.

Eric LIOT<br />
Peintre et sculpteur français né en 1964<br />
Pop art<br />

LIOT Eric, né en 1964
Pop Art

And then there is this transition to painting, worked as an embellishment, that is to say with a classic style linked to modern and contemporary pictorial references. How can we not see a nod to Matisse in his collages/assemblages where flat areas of bright colors sometimes blend together; another Cézanne with his fruit cutouts or Warhol for his borrowings from consumer products and logos referenced as symbols of our Western societies. The pop art spirit resides in the choice of each of its compositions even if the subject remains in the background position.

His love for old-fashioned packaging, his voracity for American pop art and his attraction to urban aesthetics also come into their own in this visual concert where a quota of references, places and eras circulate without hiding.

Œuvres, LIOT Eric, French Painter, Sculptor

Liot eric assemblage et collage sur bois  165x136 cm Camouflage à katavati

Assemblage et collage sur bois
Camouflage à katavati
165×136 cm

liot eric assemblage et collage sur bois 120x100cm RAHAN

Assemblage et collage sur bois

liot eric assemblage et collage sur bois 100X80cm ET SI BIB ETAIT UNE FEMME

Assemblage et collage sur bois

Eric Liot bronze L'envol de 20 19 70x50x40 cm

Bronze L’envol
70x50x40 cm

Expositions, LIOT Eric

Eric LIOT dans l’exposition « 100% recycled, 100% Liot

du 28 septembre au 26 octobre 2019

Eric LIOT dans l’exposition « 100% recycled, 100% Liot

du 28 septembre au 26 octobre 2019

Eric LIOT dans l’exposition « 100% recycled, 100% Liot

du 28 septembre au 26 octobre 2019

Eric LIOT dans l’exposition « 100% recycled, 100% Liot

du 28 septembre au 26 octobre 2019

Eric LIOT dans l’exposition « 100% recycled, 100% Liot

du 28 septembre au 26 octobre 2019

Carton invitation exposition Eric Liot, 100% recycled 2019<br />

A new era is dawning… we are emerging from the lush jungle of consumption.

As Julien Cabocel says so well, the artist invites us “with new totems which shelter the soul of what was. The tool has lost its usefulness, the animal its movement, the warrior its weapons, but without giving up anything of their primary strength, their raw power, their beauty. Like a heart of torn, worn, tattered boards can still say love.

In these monochrome assemblages resonates an almost classical form where the imprint of the Cyclades dear to the artist can be read, where Africa can be discerned at certain moments – what Cubism borrowed from him.

Lieu : AD Galerie Montpellier
Date : Du 28 septembre au 26 octobre 2019

Eric LIOT - Exposition « Dernier combat »

Du 2 juin au 2 juillet 2016

Eric LIOT - Exposition « Dernier combat »

Du 2 juin au 2 juillet 2016

Eric LIOT<br />
Exposition « Dernier combat »<br />
Du 2 juin au 2 juillet 2016<br />

AD Galerie presents the latest works of Eric Liot in the exhibition “Dernier combat”.

“I decided to do an entire exhibition with a single format so that the exhibition would be more homogeneous.

It’s a new style exercise, with the same page used 12 times. This allows you to focus more on substance than on form.

I know that many people like the asymmetry and the non-rectangular side of the classic painting in my work, but today the exercise seems more interesting to me with the constraint of the unique format.

Added to this constraint is that of only making (almost) portraits.

Some paintings are more toned down (lighter, simpler, more airy, softened background)

A desire to focus attention on the central character so that the exhibition is less narrative and less talkative than usual.

With less disorder, this exhibition offers greater unity.

Last Stand,

“Why this title?
Because this unique format exhibition will be the only one.”

Lieu : AD Galerie Montpellier
Date : du 2 juin au 2 juillet 2016

Eric LIOT - Exposition « Le retour »

Du 31 janvier au 28 février 2014

Eric LIOT - Exposition « Le retour »

Du 31 janvier au 28 février 2014

Eric LIOT - Exposition « Le retour »

Du 31 janvier au 28 février 2014

Eric LIOT<br />
Exposition «  Le retour »<br />
Du 31 janvier au 28 février 2014<br />

AD Galerie presents Eric LIOT in the exhibition “Le Retour” from January 31 to February 28, 2014.

Eric Liot is a painter, sculptor, assembler and collage artist who enjoys playing image collector in order to transport us into his world.

He draws on everyday images and characters to establish our contemporary icons, he uses and abuses our favorite heroes, the usual figures of consumption to construct all kinds of singular and representative metaphors of our time.

The exhibition at AD Galerie confirms the return to more uninhibited, less organized work where the works are more raw.

It is a return to more painting, more scraps of wood, less collages where the artistic talent of the artist full of imagination and originality is always guided by his innate taste for derision…

On the occasion of the exhibition, the book “Liot, the return” will be published.

Lieu : AD Galerie Montpellier
Date : Du 31 janvier au 28 février 2014

Publications LIOT Eric

Livre Liot Art Magazine


Edition AD galerie
Conception graphique Bruno MORINI

Dépot légal : Avril 2017



Livre Liot Le Retour


Edition AD galerie
Conception graphique Bruno MORINI

Dépot légal : Janvier 2014



Eric LIOT envoie le bois...dernier combat à AD Galerie

Midi Libre – 7 juin 2016